Friday, August 29, 2008

Thursday Night Photos

Here are photos from Invesco Field - in opposite chronological order.

After the speeches...

(Becca, Cecilia Cabello and Jim Kennedy.)

(Becca and Board of Equalization Chairperson Judy Chu.)

(The crowd celebrates!)

California for Obama!

Senator Obama inspires the nation!

(Mayor Newsom and his new wife watch the Obama speech.)

Becca is ready to hear Sen. Obama speak!

Joe Biden -- the next Vice President of the United States.

(Joe Biden is ready to hit McCain and Palin hard during the campaign.)

Al Gore!

(Al Gore speaks as the sun starts to set on Invesco Field)

(Al Gore gets an energetic welcome.)

Becca takes a moment to get pictures with fellow delegates and special guests...

(Becca poses with CDP Chairman Art Torres, who was so happy to have his work done for the convention!)

(San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom, who sat two rows behind me.)

(West Hollywood City Councilmember John Duran, who sat next to me for the Obama speech.)

(Super Delegate Ed Espinosa - on of my two Obama speech watching seatmates.)

(Former CA Governor Gray Davis - looking a little blurry.)

At Inveco Field -- and the musical performances ...

(Sheryl Crow rocks out!)

( performs "Yes We Can" and fires up the crowd.)

(Nancy Pelosi opens up the ceremonies at Invesco Field.)

(Outside the field ... but inside security.)

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